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First-gen Nursing major Rosemary Gonzalez know attending college without her parents 充分了解它采取的所有步骤到达那里会造成一些障碍 and adversities. 面对这些,她意识到,对她来说,成功是在 高等教育,她需要找到一个新的支持系统. –También en español

Looking at the number of programs and organizations Nursing senior Rosemary Gonzalez has been involved in during her time at UNC, it is hard to imagine how she felt first 搬到格里利——一个不属于这里的冒牌货.  

“I am a first-generation student, so I had to navigate college on my own, which proved 非常困难,”冈萨雷斯说.  

冈萨雷斯在丹佛郊区的蒙贝罗社区长大. Her parents 从萨尔瓦多,一个小国家在南美洲中美洲移民到这里.  

“Both of my parents did not make it past high school in their education, so they were 他对我接受高等教育非常坚定,”冈萨雷斯说.  

冈萨雷斯从未违背过父母为她设定的目标. She was always a 好学生,享受学院,但参加大学没有她的父母完全 understanding all the steps it takes to get there created some obstacles and adversities. Facing those is when Gonzalez realized that for her to be successful in higher education, 她需要找到一个新的支持体系. 

“I joined a lot of programs, a lot of organizations throughout my time here and that 是我做过的最好的决定,”冈萨雷斯说.  

With a full courseload in the College of Natural and Health Sciences School of Nursing, 冈萨雷斯的日程很快就排满了. She joined the 荣誉跨学科项目 (HIP), which includes attending workshops, events and meetings with academic advisors. She also joined the 人类发展中心 (CHE),为第一代学生提供关怀、鼓励和支持. 和她添加了学生护士协会和一个姐妹会的名单. 

“我想拥抱我的拉丁血统,所以在大一的时候我加入了 Pi Lambda Chi拉丁姐妹会. and ever since I’ve been holding many positions like president, secretary and I joined 多文化希腊理事会担任秘书和司库,”冈萨雷斯说。.  

Her participation in different programs introduced Gonzalez to new people, resources and opportunities. 在她大二和大三的时候,冈萨雷斯是一个 赖舍奖学金获得者, which awards first-generation students who demonstrate academic and leadership potential as an undergraduate. 

“It was really great to connect with yet another community of first-gen students who 和我在同一个地方,”冈萨雷斯说. “赖舍真的能够解决这个问题 financial burden off my back and allow me to join all these extra-curricular activities 和不必担心工作,因为我已经做了,以满足我的需要.” 

就连冈萨雷斯决定从事的工作也扩大了她在皇冠app官方版下载社区的根基. She worked at the Center for Career Readiness helping out with resumes and mock interviews 学生们希望进入专业领域.  

“It’s really exciting to be able to connect one resource to another resource,” Gonzalez said. “我可以连接我的姐妹姐妹到职业准备中心. For my 在Reisher的朋友,我可以把他们和希腊生活联系起来,对于CHE的人,我 能把他们和荣誉课程联系起来吗. 我觉得我拥有一切真是太好了 these different relationships that can help other people out because, at the end of 这一天,我们所有的是彼此当我们离开我们的家庭." 





阿里巴:Algunas de las experiencias de González en la unisidad

毕业后,冈萨雷斯计划作为一名儿科医生继续建立她的社区 trauma nurse. 

“创伤是我的使命,”冈萨雷斯说. “我真的很享受肾上腺素激增的感觉 intensity of it. 它每天给我新的东西,它会推动我的方式 我可能还没准备好.” 

While Gonzalez may be experiencing some nervousness about her future, as most people 当开始他们的职业生涯,她知道她有核心价值观,她可以 rely on.  

“My personal nursing philosophy stems from the life values instilled in me as a child,” Gonzalez said. “所以,韧性、同情心、诚实和同理心. I want to form a 培养与患者的关系,确保我提供高质量、无私的服务 每个人都得到平等的个人照顾. 我相信这不是每个人都能掌握的技能 possesses. 这是一种承诺和特权能够与这些病人 在医院在什么可能真的是他们生命中最糟糕的时刻.” 

Gonzalez’s experience at UNC has given her plenty of practice in developing the relationships 她在寻求专业的帮助. 这给她上了宝贵的一课,那就是你要出去 what you put in. 

"If you come to UNC to get your degree and just go to class and go home, then that’s what will happen. 你会拿到学位的,”冈萨雷斯说. “But if you come to campus 你去参加活动,你支持你的社区,你找到联系,你 将离开不仅有一个学位,但与友谊和关系. Whether personal or professional, you will leave with so many more connections and just more 坚韧和毅力使一个人继续成长.” 

所以,虽然冈萨雷斯不得不适应大学生活似乎是她自己的,她采取了 必要的步骤把自己在那里发现她不是一个冒名者 and that she belongs. 

“My journey here has been difficult, it’s been memorable, but most of all, beautiful,” Gonzalez said. 

Along with the Reishner Family Scholarship, Gonzalez is also a recipient of the Courage to Excel Scholarship. 

– written by Sydney Kern


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