

In the wide-open l和scape of rural Colorado, a group of students gather data about 食品沙漠. The topic is part of their class focus on food 和 place. 他们在学习 not only how humans impact the l和scape, but also how the l和scape shapes people’s 生活. These students can tell you that geography is far more than examining maps 和地点.

As a geography major at UNC, you’ll use scientific exploration to study issues like climate change, urbanization, industrial development, population growth 和 sustainability, migration, l和scape transformation 和 political cooperation. 你可以访问 to a state-of-the-art GIS lab 和 work side-by-side with expert 地理位置 faculty who support 和 engage you through research 和 internship opportunities. 当 you graduate, you’ll have skills based on field experience, research 和 knowledge gained from an immersion in the real-world nature of geography.


Design a course of study that fits your professional goals 和 interests. 皇冠app官方版下载的地理位置 program offers 4 areas of concentration: Community Development, Geographic Information Science (GIS), Field Studies, 和 Regional Studies, as well as minors in 地理位置 和GIS. 

地理B.A. -社区发展集中

一个 of the traditional applied areas in geography is planning the built environment. Professionals in this field help communities decide how their l和 should be used, from the design 和 layout of a new school to the layout of commercial buildings to the location of a new light rail system, power grid, or park.


地理B.A. -地理信息科学方向

一个 of the fastest growing areas in geography, GIS is a system of computer hardware 和 software that stores, displays, analyzes, 和 maps geographic information. 使用 GIS, students can analyze population distribution, l和 availability, environmental hazards, soil types, 和 flood zones to help local governments make informed l和-use 决定.


地理B.A. -实地研究

Students in the Field Studies concentration will have educational experiences that link their theoretical classroom knowledge to the application of real-world problems 以变革的方式. 


地理B.A. -区域研究方向

Regional geography critically examines the relationships that geographic phenomena 在不同的地区. Those electing the Regional Studies Emphasis learn 识别影响区域的空间问题.




Whether you want to work in GIS, or your career goal is to teach social studies in a middle school or high school, geography is a growing field that offers a wide range 工作和研究的机会.

想想皇冠app官方版下载的B.A. 如果你:

  • 喜欢用电脑工作
  • Have a strong interest in finding practical solutions to society’s most pressing challenges
  • Possess a deep curiosity about the world’s rich geographic diversity


  • Skills 和 knowledge with sophisticated 和 specialized software
  • Experience using tools like the large format plotter 和 specialized software
  • 具有地理空间技术的现场经验
  • Skills that are vital to your specific geographic career or research interest


  • 制图学
  • 网络映射
  • 城市及区域规划
  • 环境地理学:地球与风险
  • 人文地理
  • 地貌、水和灾害


Study abroad in Ghana, Finl和, Fiji, Irel和, Netherl和s, New Zeal和, United Arab 阿联酋航空和捷克共和国. Complete internships in city planning agencies 和 police departments 和 join research projects that will add depth to your skills. 了解出国留学.


Each summer, our 地理位置 students 和 faculty partner with the Bureau of L和 Management to conduct research along the Colorado 和 Gunnison Rivers, providing valuable information 皇冠app安卓下载安装入侵物种.

To learn more about this summer field opportunity 和 hear about the river program, watch 右边的视频.


You have diverse opportunities for a challenging 和 fulfilling career when you hold 皇冠app官方版下载地理学学士学位. 以下是众多职位中的一些 我们的毕业生:

  • 地理信息系统和制图专家
  • 城市和区域规划师
  • 区域研究专家
  • 资源管理器
  • 市场研究
  • 环境顾问
  • 社区或国际发展专家
  • 中等教育教师
  • 国务院分析师


Our professors share two equal passions: excellence in research 和 teaching. 一个 of the true strengths of the 地理位置 program is our professors’ ability to integrate groundbreaking research into the student experience 和 deliver a level of learning 这在高等教育中是罕见的. Two of our department’s current research undertakings 包括:

An Evaluation of Air-Rail Passenger Intermodal Access at US Airports

Timothy Vowles博士.D.Andrew Goetz博士,地理学和地理信息系统.D.香港大学 Denver), National Center for Intermodal Transportation

Even though airports may claim air-rail connections, there’s a wide range in linkage 连接质量. This project’s goal is to assess the quality of intermodal linkages by developing 和 testing different types of air-rail intermodal access. Vowles 和 Goetz will assess quality by looking at a range of characteristics, including number of destinations served, the rail system’s scale 和 scope, 和 geographic extent 为机场服务的系统. From this analysis they hope to explain which airports have the preeminent air-rail connections 和 provide insight into best practices for other airports to pursue when creating or improving their air-rail connections. 他们 also expect to identify those airports that have truly embraced air-rail intermodal connectivity as part of their urban transit system.

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